Preservation Week Posts

For Preservation Week 2011, I wrote a series of posts for the UCLA Library Preservation Department Weblog. Those are linked here and archived after the fold.

  1. Monday, April 25: Tangible Records
  2. Tuesday, April 26: Projects versus Progress
  3. Wednesday, April 27: Data!
  4. Thursday, April 28: Preservation Education
  5. Friday, April 29:Preservation Administrators and Conservators

Continue reading Preservation Week Posts

Fundamentals of Preservation

The next installment of Fundamentals of Preservation runs May 16-June 10. You can contact me for more information through the comment form (nothing is posted publicly; it just sends me an email) or you learn more and register for the course at the ALCTS website.

I co-developed Fundamentals of Preservation with Karen Brown (SUNY Albany) as part of the ALCTS continuing education series. This course is part of the three-course series that makes up the Library Support Staff Certification ProgramCollection Management elective. Fundamentals of Preservation was recently mentioned in the American Libraries Winter Digital Supplement (Pages 11-12) on e-learning.



Assoc. for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) Workshop

On May 11, I’ll be co-leading “Audio Archives 101: Identification, Organization, and Preservation,” the pre-conference workshop for ARSC 2011. The conference is in Los Angeles, downtown at the Westin Bonaventure. Audio archives are a fascinating part of the library, archive, and museum sector. As a preservation librarian, the media in these collections pose a lot of challenging problems.

Aaron Bittel (UCLA) and Karen Fishman (Library of Congress) deserve the lion’s share of credit for putting this workshop together. I’ll primarily be talking about assessment, but audio archives require a diverse set of expertise, and Aaron and Karen bring that in spades. I expect to learn just as much as I teach. There will be some lecture, plenty of time for discussion, but most importantly, a significant amount of hands-on examination of materials.