Planning for Worst: Disasters in High Density Storage Facilities

I am speaking at “Planning for Worst: Disaster Planning and Response in High Density Storage Facilities” on June 26, 8 am in the Morial Convention Center, Room 343. While disaster planning in libraries is well established, very few libraries have plans specific to the challenging environment of high-density storage.

Simple activities such as removal and tracking of materials become more complicated by barcoded storage trays on 30+ foot high shelves. This program will focus on current disaster research ranging from fire protection and recovery, recovery in shared repository environments, case studies of recovery from water disasters, and perspectives on recovery from non-water events.

Earthquake Info:
US Geological Service
Southern Clifornia Earthquake Data Center

For Your Library:
FEMA E-74 Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage
Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings
Designing for Earthquakes: A Manual for Architects
For You: Los Angeles Fire Department Emergency Preparedness