AMIGOS Digital Preservation Conference: Core Issues in Digital Preservation

On August 12, 2011, I’ll be part of an Amigos Library Services web-conference, “Digital Preservation: What’s Now, What’s Next?“. My section is at 11:00 Central (12 Eastern, 9 Pacific) and it’s one of my favorite things to teach, “Core Issues in Digital Preservation.”

I’ve been using the story of decoding Linear B as a way to make the metaphor on digital preservation for years now, and an updated version of that talk will be at the heart of this presentation. I’ll also take the attendees through the process of crafting the ALA/ALCTS definitions of digital preservation. And finally, I’ll spend some time on the real theme – what’s now, what’s next – with a discussion of the most important areas of focus for today, versus emerging or potential problems that can be left for later.