Digital Preservation Webinars for NEFLIN

Starting October 21, I’ll be giving another series of webinars on fundamental issues in digital preservation for the members of the Northeastern Florida Library and Information Network(NEFLIN). The first installment introduces some basic concepts that support preservation (of any kind) and uses a variety of examples to show how those issues play out in digital libraries.

Future webinars in the series will provide a deeper introduction to file formats used in digital libraries and the core issues in reliably storing digital content for the long-term:

  • Webinar #2: Monday, November 4: Text and Image Formats
  • Webinar #3: Monday, November 18: Storing and Managing Digital Collections
  • Webinar #4: Monday, December 2: Audio and Video Formats

This series was presented last year, from July 17 – August 23, 2012. A handout of resources and frequently asked questions for both session is available here: DigitalMaterials-ResourcesFAQ.pdf.